The real size of our life

The real size of our life

our life depends on the size of our mind and heart. One can spread the canvas of life by enlarging the canvas of thinking and emotions.Most of the people are mad after money,power, name, fame and materialistic things and think that these things will make their life big and tall but it is not always right

Democracy and the duties of a responsible citizen

Democracy and the duties

Democracy and the duties किसी भी लोकतांत्रिक व्यवस्था की सफलता लोगों की जागरूकता और सहभागिता में निहित है क्योंकि मूल रूप से वह लोगों के लिए और लोगों के द्वारा ही तो निर्मित तंत्र है|

How is destiny shaped ?

How is destiny shaped

destiny shaped : its only the matter of direction and quality of actions, the results are sure and pre-decided by the laws of the nature.We need not to worry about the results, the results are bound to the rules of nature. We need only to pay attention to the direction and quality of actions.