Natthu Singh Rajput
Education and Examination
Education is the most effective medium of changing life while examination is the most effective medium to test the quality of education.
The role of education in our life
The most important thing that affects our mind and heart is education. How does education affect our lives? What is the role of education in our life?
Characteristics of a good system in democracy
I believe that a system which is open to questions, promotes transparency and is always ready for any investigation should be accepted as the right system and a system which behaves in the opposite manner should definitely be considered suspicious
Ugly face of democracy in recent times
There is no doubt that democracy is a beautiful concept. But today, I would like to enumerate some of the incidents that show the ugly face of democracy.
Drawbacks and perils in democracy
Its universally accepted that democracy is the best system of governance among all the other systems of governance.This system of governance not only ensures public welfare but also represents the true aspirations of the people.
Success ‘ sutras ‘ of democracy
Success of democracy How the best model of governance can be turned into the best form of governance. What are the characteristics and requirements for this form of governance?
Democracy and the duties of a responsible citizen
Democracy and the duties किसी भी लोकतांत्रिक व्यवस्था की सफलता लोगों की जागरूकता और सहभागिता में निहित है क्योंकि मूल रूप से वह लोगों के लिए और लोगों के द्वारा ही तो निर्मित तंत्र है|
Democracy : The best model of governance
These people can’t blame others for their bad condition while they may feel pride on their achievements as they are fully responsible for their condition.There may not be any other better option than democracy. Democracy is the best model of governance at present.
The role of media in democracy
The role of media in democracy is very crucial. Its importance can be understood by the fact that it is considered the fourth pillar of democracy besides legislature, executive and judiciary.
The real meaning of democracy
The concept of democracy came in existence with the idea of public welfare and the dignity to every individual. The idea of public welfare is not new because it is the base of peace and harmony in any nation
The supermacy of primitive animality over civilization and humanity
civilization and humanity मनुष्य जीवन निर्माण और जीवन को बचाने की अपनी क्षमता के लिए जाना जाता है जबकि जानवरों के लिए यह संभव नहीं है। जब कोई व्यक्ति जीवन को नष्ट करने की कोशिश करता है, तो वह एक जानवर के बहुत करीब हो जाता है।